Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letter to Grandma

                Hard to believe it has been 2 years today since you passed away. Nothing has been the same, nothing has been easy, nothing has been right or fair, but it is all the way “it’s supposed to be”. You made certain that you didn’t leave us until you felt that we could all handle it, and had it under control. I must admit that there have been times more often than not, that I couldn’t “handle it”, and often didn’t have things under control. Not a day goes by that I do not have you on my mind, and you are never, ever far from my heart. You were the most beautiful lady anyone has ever met, and I feel blessed to say that I knew you personally and that you were in fact my grandma.
                A lot has happened in two years, and I know we all in those moments of things to cherish we look and say to you, “Grandma are you catching this? Do you see this?” and I know you do. Aiden, Lydia, and Farrah are our newest editions, they are wonderful! I know you would adore each and every one of them as much as we do! I wish you could see them. Natalie married Billy! It was beautiful. Paul graduated high school and started college, he also got his first job! I wish you could see that! I graduated high school and also began college, and I am proud to tell you that in 3 weeks and 180 work hours I will be graduated college as well! I will be a medical assistant, kinda like a nurse like you, right? CLOSE ENOUGH! I wish you could see that! This is just a few of the countless things that have been accomplished this year!
                For the most part I think we are doing pretty well, we all stay in touch a lot. Aunt Joanie makes sure to take PERFECT care of me, and she never ceases to throw in some remarks that make me look at her and know that was only you coming out through her! I loved your witty sense of humor. Aunt Jeri watches over all of us. I don’t get to see her much, but when I do it is so wonderful and can make my entire day better. Mom and dad they are doing well, dad retired, he loves it so much, you always knew he would! Mom is still going all day, every day, she is such a workaholic. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Cheryl, we don’t get to see them often as they are very, very busy too, but we enjoy time with them also!
                Thank you for giving all of us the opportunity to know you and love you, and be loved in return. Thank you for shining down on us every moment of the day. I miss you so much, words cannot express. I cannot wait to see you one day! Please give my granddaddy hugs and kisses and shower him with love for all of us too!
With love to Heaven,